In the parallel world of Vestroia, a powerful Bakugan in search for power named Naga decides to absorb the energy of the two opposing cores that preserve the balance and peace in Vestroia. However he absorbed too much power and energy found within the Silent Core, the source of negative energy. The Infinity Core, the source of positive energy had been absorbed by Wavern.
In the first season, the story centers on six friends who find metallic cards which have fallen from the sky or to be more precise, Vestroia itself. They name themselves the Bakugan Battle Brawlers and consist of seven children: Dan, Shun, Runo, Marucho, Julie, Alice, and later Joe. Together they learn more about the origin of the Bakugan, Vestroia, the game involving them, and the battle against people who are under Naga's control.
In New Vestroia, Dan, Marucho, and Shun are called to the newly restored Vestroia to stop an alien race called the Vestals who invaded it. They allied with the Bakugan Battle Brawlers Resistance: Mira, Ace, and Baron in order to stop an evil group known as the Vexos from stealing the bakugan from New Vestroia, and possibly, the whole universe. Later the Vexos take revenge as they try to destroy the Bakugan, and that's when the brawlers come in to save New Vestroia.
In Gundalian Invaders, Dan, Marucho, and Shun get caught up in a war between two different alien factions in another universe, and teaming up with three new brawlers, Princess Fabia (Princess of Neathia), Jake (who is Human), and Ren (who is an undercover Gundalian) in order to stop the evil Gundalian Protectors, the Twelve Orders from destroying Neathia, and possibly, Earth. But Ren is secretly trying to get the Gundalians to win the war, so Fabia and her planet has been trusted by the Battle Brawlers and hopefully they'll protect Bakugan Interspace, Neathia (which is Fabia's home planet) and possibly Earth from being ruled by the Twelve Orders.
Watch Full episodes online at: Bakugan Cartoons Online
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Free Bakugan Games Online
Title: Bakugan Jigsaw Game Description: Bakugan is a classic puzzle game with a Bakugan twist. See the picture of the finished puzzle before...
Title: Bakugan Battle Description: Bakugan Battle - Battle with your favorite Bakugan characters and Bakugan cards. Pick your brawler and wi...
Title: Bakugan Memory Games Description: Simply use your mouse to play this fun Bakugan Memory Game.
Title: Bakugan and Julie Description: Attracting attention with its similarity to Pokemon, the new cartoon Bakugan in which the beautiful Ju...
Title: Bakugan Puzzle 2 Description:
Title: Bakugan Shun game Description: Shun Kazami's Grandfather has given him another puzzle.Use your mouse to click on two or more conn...
Title: Bakugan Battle Description: In the training game of Bakugan, you should throw the monster ball that you have chosen faster than your ...
Title: Bakugan Coloring Description: Bakugan coloring online game
Title: Bakugan Dan Description: The new cartoon Bakugan has already become one of the favourite characters of kids. In the game where you ha...
Title: Bakugan Naruto Games Description: Using Naruto you have a sky's view of arrows that you must avoid in this game of war.
Bakugan Cartoons
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